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Welcome to Capernwray New Zealand

There is nothing more important or more incredible than experiencing intimacy with our Saviour, Jesus! Come and experience his goodness as essential to every aspect of your life as you grow in understanding the Bible.

Why Capernwray New Zealand?

Capernwray New Zealand is unique. But, untouched landscapes and adventures through the wilderness are not the only things that make us special. It’s the life and love of Jesus, seeped into everything we do, that makes the difference. We want students to come and experience the presence of Christ in this world and within themselves. There is no greater journey than that of discovering Him. 

Latest News

Welcome to our National Director

The Capernwray Trust Board is delighted to announce that Ross Georgiou has accepted the call of God to join our staff as National Director.

Ross, first and foremost, is a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ and firmly believes in His transforming presence. Ross has served full-time in many capacities, both here in New Zealand and overseas. Currently he is the CEO of the Global Sports Chaplaincy Association. He will bring strengths in mission and vision setting.

In Europe God has led Ross to be involved with Sport Chaplaincy, Athletes in Action, Tandem Ministries and Operation Mobilisation, along with other groups. He has a Bachelor of Divinity degree (Laidlaw College) and Graduate Diploma in Theology (Melbourne). He speaks English, German and Greek.

Ross was born and raised in the Cambridge area so there is a sense of homecoming. Ross is married to Roula who has been very much a partner in all that Ross has been involved with. They have two adult sons.

Ross commenced with us at the beginning of September


We would love for you to partner with us as we develop our facilities to provide even better services to our students and guests.

New Staff Accommodation

Our expanding team needs accommodation, and so we have plans to add to our Adventure Lodge site.

A local builder has an ideal 2-bedroom unit built ready to deliver - and they have held it for us! 

We just need to raise the funds to help make it a reality.

Can you help?

A beautiful location to dream big and discover life in Christ!

Bible School

Draw nearer. Dive deep. Seek Him.

As we study God’s Word, we encounter the Lord Jesus. Our Bible School program encourages and equips students to pursue a deeper understanding of the Scriptures with the aim of encountering the Living Word in our Lord Jesus.. The goal is not just to gain knowledge, but to draw near to God Himself, for the sole purpose of that intimacy. If you are searching for what this means, come join us for a Bible School course. 


There’s never a dull moment here at Capernwray New Zealand!

A variety of conferences, camps and retreats throughout the year provides something for everyone, all with the aim of sharing the joy and hope we have in Christ. Our facilities offer space for a gentle stroll in the gardens, a lively game of tennis or a dip in the pool, as well as onsite dining/catering and accommodation. 

New Zealand

New Zealand is a place like no other.

Home of Middle Earth and the land of the long white cloud, New Zealand is a place with everything to offer and no wildlife to fear. From the inner city to long, sandy beaches and untouched bush, it’s a small country with a big personality. What an amazing place for students to study and live. 

Student Life

There’s nothing like life in community to teach you about yourself and about Christ. Students from all around the world have the opportunity here to experience the ups and downs of life together. In the process, as iron sharpens iron, they discover insightful challenges and beautiful connections. 

"My experience at Capernwray New Zealand was nothing short of life-changing... life with Jesus became real to me. I finally learned to place my identity in Christ alone and to rest in His unfailing love, because of who He is and not anything I can do ."

Rebekah Ritterling  STUDENT FROM USA

"If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well."

(Romans 12:7)


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