Contact us +64 7 823 1800



Follow this link to make a general donation.

Get sponsorship to Study

Attending Bible School is a life investment, and many students have friends and family who show their support through financial assistance.

A cost effective way is by making arrangements for an individual (or Church) to co-ordinate collecting gifts and the accumulated funds can be given to the student directly, or sent through to Capernwray New Zealand in one transaction, reducing the international transaction fees.

Contact us and we will be only too pleased to provide personalised letters of support for any registered student to assist with fundraising.

Note: All donations received by Capernwray New Zealand for forwarding onto students will be receipted, but may not be tax deductible for gifts originating outside of New Zealand. As every country has different laws associated with tax deductible giving, please seek advice from a local tax advisor.

Kiwiplus A Great Deal... Better

A unique opportunity for New Zealanders to come to Capernwray Bible School for a discounted cost.

If you are between the ages of 17 and 23, a New Zealand citizen or resident and you would love to study the Bible for 5 months then we may have some good news for you! Capernwray New Zealand are offering limited places on our residential Bible School courses for less than half of the usual rates for those who would not normally be able to afford the full cost.

Please note that there are limited Kiwiplus places available per course and conditions apply.

Kiwiplus A Great Deal... Better


Contact us at the main office for more information.

Student Sponsorship Fund

Support Students Looking To Follow God

Capernwray has a specific student sponsorship fund that enables the faculty to accept some students on to the course who would not otherwise have the finances to do so. If you are interested in contributing directly to the Student Sponsorship Fund and therefore investing in the lives of our students, you can make a financial donation by following the link below. Please include the name of the Student Sponsorship Fund in the description field.


Follow this link to make a general donation.

General Donations

General Support of Capernwray New Zealand

One of the most practical ways to support the Capernwray New Zealand ministry is by partnering with us through prayer. We are grateful to you for lifting up our staff, students, programs and projects to the Lord.

Donating financially is another way that you can support our ministry. Through your financial gifts, you can choose to make general donations to be used wherever needed, or specific donations to support a particular programme or project. If you would like to make a donation to the Capernwray ministry in any of these special project or general areas, please include the name of the special project in the description field. We’re so grateful for all donations and couldn't achieve what we do without the amazing generosity of this generous giving.

Note: Amounts of $5 or more may qualify for a tax rebate for tax payers within New Zealand.


Follow this link to make a donation.


Choosing to make a provision in your Will to Capernwray New Zealand is a wonderful way to leave a lasting legacy to further the Kingdom of God through the training and equipping of the students who attend our school.

Big or small, your bequest will be greatly appreciated. It will help us continue to provide quality training and facilities to equip our students. By including a bequest in your Will, you have the option of leaving a specific amount, an item or a percentage of your estate to Capernwray NZ.

How to make a Bequest
Making a bequest is very straightforward; you don’t need to make a whole new will.

If you would like to include a bequest to Capernwray NZ in your existing Will, you can make a simple modification by adding a codicil (a codicil is a supplement to a Will that is intended to alter or modify it). To make sure your codicil is legal, we recommend it is checked and approved by a legal advisor.

A Will is an important legal document so it should be prepared by a legal professional. It’s important to discuss options and specific wording with your legal advisor to make sure your Will reflects your wishes clearly, giving specific guidance on how you want your assets and personal belongings distributed when you die.

Here’s an indication of the accepted form of words that can be used to leave a bequest to Capernwray NZ:

"I give and bequeath the sum of $_____ (or)_____ % of my estate, (or) residue of my estate, (or) property or assets as follows_____ free of all charges, to the Torchbearer Trust of New Zealand (Capernwray NZ). The official receipt of the National Director or other authorised officer of the Trustee is an absolute discharge to my executors."

You may choose to leave your bequest freely, i.e. ‘no strings attached’, so that Capernwray NZ can apply the funds in the areas where they are most needed, or you can specify where you would like the funds to be spent.

There’s no requirement to tell us that you’re leaving a bequest to Capernwray NZ. However we would like to make sure that your generous giving is suitably thanked and acknowledged in your lifetime. Deciding to tell us about your bequest can also be a good thing if your Will is challenged. If we’re in a position to demonstrate that we have a relationship with you, your wishes are less likely to be amended by the court.

Any bequest inquiries will be treated in the strictest confidence by Capernwray NZ. We will respect your wishes if you choose to remain anonymous.


If you would like to discuss leaving a bequest to Capernwray NZ or require further information please get in touch.

"Capernwray was a season of abundant blessings for me. I came as a student drained from trying to ‘do’ Christianity, and full of questions in my faith that I felt I wasn’t allowed to ask. Over my time there through becoming immersed in the Word, and sharpened by a community of young people that were thirsty for more, I learned rather than doing Christian things, God was calling me to simply be in Him... I could not recommend any better way to spend a gap year, or transitional period you might be going through"


"Give, and it will be given to you ... For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

(Luke 6:38)


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